Resolution and Charter: International Solidarity Working Group

3.8 minute read

Resolution to Adopt an International Solidarity Working Group

Whereas, the accelerated Zionist genocide in Palestine has been ongoing for over nine months with still no end in sight, much less the likelihood of decolonization any time in the near future,

Whereas, while we must not slow down in our work on Palestine and BDS, there are also many other countries, colonies, and populations that require our attention,

Whereas, imperialism, “the highest stage of capitalism,” is a global system led by the United States,

Whereas, we likely cannot, nor should we aspire to, create freedom for ourselves without also freeing our comrades around the globe,

Be it resolved, the ad hoc Tampa DSA Palestine Solidarity Committee will henceforth be known as the International Solidarity Working Group.

International Solidarity Working Group Charter and Mission


The International Solidarity Working Group shall be a Standing Committee governed by the Tampa DSA Bylaws.


Recognizing that no person is “alien” or “illegal,” we will seek to build solidarity with foreign nationals, migrants, refugees, and colonized and indigenous people both outside and within “official” U.S. borders, while drawing attention to and promoting awareness of the crimes, military and otherwise, historical and ongoing, of the U.S.-led capitalist Empire against our non-American comrades.


  1. Appoint Liaisons to the DSA International Committee
  2. Coordinate with other DSA chapters and other local and national organizations with whom we align.
  3. Curate and provide educational materials and actionable items to the chapter at-large, other WG’s when appropriate, and the general public.


Membership to the International Solidarity Working Group is limited to DSA Members In Good Standing. Membership in the ISWG is closed. Tampa DSA members can request membership in the ISWG, after which, and no longer than a week after the request, the ISWG will determine whether they will be granted membership by their own vote. The ISWG should not deny membership unless it is believed or found that such membership would be disruptive to the work of the committee.

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