The Tampa chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) has drafted a City Council resolution outlining support for decriminalizing abortion city-wide. This resolution has been drafted in collaboration with Councilwoman Lynn Hurtak in response to the recent overturning of Roe v Wade, and was presented to the Tampa City Council for a vote at the City Council meeting on August 4th, 2022. The City Council moved to table this vote until the evening City Council meeting on August 18th, 2022, with only Councilwoman Lynn Hurtak voting against delaying a vote. As a non-binding statement of intent, this resolution is the bare minimum that the Tampa City Council can do to show support for our reproductive rights and bodily autonomy.
This resolution outlines that the City Council of the City of Tampa:
- will not approve funding for actions or activities that would criminalize the rights of Tampa residents to make reproductive health decisions, including abortion, for themselves
- will not approve funding for any organization or entity operating a “crisis pregnancy center” or “pregnancy resource center” established with the purpose of opposing legal abortion and dissuading pregnant people from seeking abortion services
- will do everything in their power to make the criminalization of abortion the absolute lowest priority for city resources and personnel and approve a city budget that reflects as much
See the resolution attached in this email.
This resolution builds off a list of demands Tampa DSA has released for the City of Tampa regarding abortion rights, which has been signed by 223 community members and organizations. You can find and sign onto our list of demands here.
This resolution also mirrors a recent city resolution which passed in Austin, Texas to support decriminalizing abortion – the GRACE Act, or Guarding the Right to Abortion Care for Everyone Act. This resolution passed 10-1.
“This is the bare minimum Tampa’s City Council can do to show they oppose criminalizing our right to abortion care. In this unprecedented moment we need to challenge what’s clearly unsettled law and fight for our basic rights before they’re viciously stripped away. To not pass the full text of the proposed resolution would signal that Tampa’s City Council is unwilling to confront unconstitutional Tallahassee laws and any future abortion restrictions or bans that come our way. I hope they follow Councilwoman Hurtak’s lead and vote to pass this on the 18th.” – Jocelyn Koenig, member of Tampa DSA.
Tampa DSA is an official chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. We believe that both the economy and society should be run democratically to meet human needs, not to make profits for the wealthy elite. We are a political and activist organization, not a party. DSA members use a variety of tactics, from legislative to direct action, to fight for reforms that empower working people. We have over 270 dues-paying members of our chapter.
Tampa Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) | Tampa, Florida | healthjustice.tdsa@gmail.com | tampadsa.org | https://www.facebook.com/tampadsa